Tuesday, January 09, 2007

My dog is better than this one

Monday, January 08, 2007

Snake VS Rabbit

Coward snake vs Superhero Rabbit

A human child raised by a dog

A dog's face

A dog's face can really "say" lots of words!

Animals that are better than you

Pika - really really freaking cute if you ask me! The real life pikachu!

The pika may look like a hamster, but is actually a cousin of the rabbit.

Of course, "Pikachu" is a portmanteau of the words, pika, meaning to spark or meaning a sparkle of lightning in the Japanese language, and "chū", an onomatopoeia in the Japanese language for the squeak made by a mouse. It seems pure coincidence that Pikachu and the Pika bear so much resemblence - or it may just be a third level of cleverness on the japanese creators' part.

A parrot talks like a human

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Most amazing parrot in the world

The Most Amazing Parrot Ever - video powered by Metacafe